
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Herbalists Attack Media Over Mama Fiina’s Nude Pictures

Mukono traditional healers have attacked the Red Pepper and Kamunye publications for publishing nude picture stories of the head of Herbalists and Traditional Healers Association Sylvia Namutebi, a.k.a ”Maama Fiina”.
Speaking to the press at his shrine at Njerere village in Goma division, the head of the Traditional and Cultural Religious sect Jjajja Kabona Jjumba Lubowa Aligaweesa said that  the publications have tarnished her name ,ridiculed her and their job.
Lubowa said that  the publications’ stories in Thursday and Friday issues  were designed to embarrass Maama Fiina, but that they have ended up ridiculing even the nation’s mothers and  the traditional belief, which they have  said is the oldest religious setting in the country.
Lubowa  said that the newspapers proprietors have exhibited irresponsibility for using pictures which he swears were computer designed for purposes of tarnishing Maama Fiina and the profession.
He has  implored all traditional healers in the country to light night-long vigil fires in protest against the act, with an appeal to them to push for a non-recurrence of the same in future.
Without mentioning names, Mr. Aligaweesa has said certain sections of Ugandans are bent on destroying traditional healers’ practices, adding however that this is the very reason why practitioners should persist and defy all these attempts.
He has however noted that  the attack on their leader has given them new vigor to show their enemies that they are not about to end their struggle to keep ahead of them, although they are not advocating for violence against anyone .

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