
Saturday, December 15, 2012

How could Land Commission, and Kampala Land Board miss?!

Buganda Kingdom's new building at Katwe to be opened on 12/10/2012
Buganda Kingdom’s new building at Katwe to be opened on 12/10/2012
There are a good number of laws in regard to and in particular to land use, human settlements, building structure placement, water, drainage, railway lines, road reserves etc, every permanent building structure by law must be connected to a sewer infrastructure. In other words KCCA will tell you were to place your sock pit – (sceptic tank). Full application of these laws will make all and every single town in Uganda look like any America, European or a modern Asian city!
Now, in urban centres, it is KCCA that has to give a right to discharge of waste water. The water act for example does not allow discharge of waster water in fresh water streams, river or lake. The same applies to drainage or storm water.
In the electricity act for example, there must be 25 meters reserve that makes 50 meters diameter from High Voltage power lines.
The above applies to railway lines and road reserves. I remember it is a similar law that applies to sewer pipes. People have built in these reserves.
The water act is also supported with NEMA. That you can

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