
Saturday, December 15, 2012

Kayihura acts as the govt Spokesperson and Spin doctor on UAH instead of addressing security issues in the country

A picture provided by Hannah Ogwapiti:These were suspects of the September 10 Riot,when Kabaka was blocked from going to Bugerere. They were totaaling to 100+. The picture was taken early in the morning,and the sun rays you see comes from the two doors of that safe house. You can clearly see that the guy whose head lies adjacent to the brown guy was looking. This is not a stage managed picture. Its the truth and reality
A picture provided by Hannah Ogwapiti:These were suspects of the September 10 Riot,when Kabaka was blocked from going to Bugerere. They were totaaling to 100+. The picture was taken early in the morning,and the sun rays you see comes from the two doors of that safe house. You can clearly see that the guy whose head lies adjacent to the brown guy was looking. This is not a stage managed picture. Its the truth and reality
I wonder what exactly is going on in president Museveni’s head when he reads all this. Honestly, he had a big opportunity in 1986 to change Uganda for the better. What happened in between, it’s something that leaves a lot of us scratching our heads? The problem is that i cannot see things turning around very soon, and he does not want to give anybody a chance to lead our country, which is a shame. Even the ‘politics of sleep’ is no longer selling at all. Just the other day, Mr.Gilbert Bukenya was lamenting about the night murders in his constituency, Kakiiri. Beti Nambooze was lamenting about the same; a day before Iddil day- some group of robbers again used ladder and jumped inside the fence of my home to steal car spare parts, and they did; the headmistress of progress Kajjansi( Lweza) suffered the same fate the same day. There is a gang that has been breaking into people’s shops around Entebbe road areas for the last 2-6 months, but the police has done nothing to stop it. Now, I understand the same gang is robbing people’s homes undeterred by anything.
For the last 3-4 days, there has not been electricity in most parts surrounding Kampala yet i understand a new dam was opened up in Bujagala recently. I have also read somewhere in the papers that the government is inviting companies to bid for the construction of another dam at Karuma falls. But, who is benefiting from all these projects when load shedding cannot go away, even around Kampala city?
The so called UPE and USE is totally a mess as you have seen from the pictures posted everyday on this forum. The schools are too ill equipped to teach even a bird how to sing. Private schools have taken over to save the day!
The roads are so bad almost everywhere in Uganda such that it will require someone really committed to give them a new facelift.
Generally, everything is just a mess and i cannot see president Museveni fixing it, yet he doesn’t wanna go and he is growing older every day. Where we go from here, I don’t know since Mr.Muhoozi is also in the process of packing his suitcases to get a permanent residence at State house in the near future.

Bizibu munange
Abbey Kibirige Semuwemba

Abbey, friends,
Am sorry I have been off air for quite a while. I will try to cope. I was quite taken aback by the rather negative picture you (Abbey) that you incorrectly, and unfairly, paint of Uganda of today. While not oblivious of the challenges we face, (and we have faced many and more vicious before and overcome them by the way), there is no question that we have made tremendous progress over the last 25 years that there is no reason for you to be so pessimistic, Abbey. The country does not deserve it. The masses of ordinary people that overwhelmed Kololo Independence grounds on 9 October 12, overflowing into the roads leading to the grounds said it all. And these were ordinary people from all walks of life. And by the way, the week leading to the event, residents in the suburbs around the city were in celebratory mode with bikes and muchomo. And this was so in spite of the pervasive propaganda by the Namboozes and Semujjus in the weeks leading to the major event for the country that we mourn instead.
And the record number of Heads of State and foreign dignitaries that honoured us, Abbey. It was indeed a Moment of Pride for the country. It was, indeed, very energizing. Incidentally, last evening, I was invited to Kamwokya on a community policing programme by ordinary residents. I felt the same way, very energized. As I had not visited the area for sometime i was quite excited by the transformation of a place into a commercial suburbseeing, a place that had been a slum. and the faces of happiness full of hope. And the closeness of the Police and the people! Quite impressive. It was not the kind of Uganda you describe, Abbey.
By the way, on crime, yes since April until about August, we had challenges in Kampala. But we have since busted the gangs of thugs. The serious crimes that had emerged have been reduced tremendously. The recent ” kinywamusayi” stories that were caused by three killings in August, Sept, and Oct in the areas north of the city in Wakiso, parts of Luwero, Mityana, Kyankwanzi, and Kiboga districts were more of a scare campaign than reality. We moved in fast, arrested the thugs responsible for the murders, increased vigilance, and the stories are now dying out. That meeting in Kakiri was, by the way, a very good and positive meeting, although you choose to focus on the negative. We are fast tracking community policing to keep our people safe and secure. I will strive to ensure that we keep you informed of the crime situation in the country. By the way, recently I hosted a regional Interpol meeting of Police chiefs from 12 countries which was a resounding success, and quite frankly they openly applauded our achievements especially in building a secure environment. Incidentally, opening the meeting of the Council of Ministers responsible for Police matters, which was a culmination of our Police conference, the Deputy Speaker of Parliament made a very significant point. He asked us to reflect how come the first 25 years since our independence were very chaotic with 9 Presidents, and the following 25 years have not been so turbulent.
As for electricity, with the full commissioning of Bujagali, we actually have surplus power, and load shedding has almost been eliminated. The problems of power cuts that sometimes occur are a problem of distribution by UMEME. We are in the process of establishing the reasons fr this. But part of it is the vandalization of the transformers by thieves of transformer of oil. We are working at it. I agree UMEME needs to do more. Instead of generalizing, Abbey, it is better to distil the problems and challenges and identify the causes and propose how to deal with them. That would be helpful. Prejudice is not at all useful, Abbey. There is no country in the world that does not face the kind of problems that we face. The critical point is the will, the drive to tackle them. There is no country of angels and geniuses including the countries that you stay and work in. There is no reason to put ourselves down. The future of Uganda is very bright, and it is the mission of our generation to ensure that that happens and it will.
Alex Mukulu’s brilliant choreographic performance during the Golden Jubilee independence celebrations at Kololo said it all. How I wish you watched it. We are moving forward, Abbey, we are, and nobody will stop that.
Thank you.
General Kale Kayihura

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