
Saturday, December 15, 2012


The East African Dec 8-14 carries a lead-header about Museveni's current triple leadership on the continent, and this has set analysts speculating about what he can do with it. He holds the rotating chairmanship of the East African Community, the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa(COMESA) and the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region(I
CGLR). All this is inconsequential. If in doubt, read the immediate previous issue of The East Africa( Nov 30-Dec 7). The cartoon there summarises it all: talking shops, is what we have in the name of regional groupings and economic blocs. Museveni takes over days after the EAC inaugurated their headquarters in Arusha, built by the Germans. Will he sit in that building, given that back home, he rejected to occupy an office block built by the Chinese to house the President's Office, claiming he cannot work from a 'donated' building?

The just-ended EAC Summit did only one job: pushing forward earlier commitments: monetary union, external tariff review, garnished with the usual predictable stories: non-tariff barriers to trade. The only meaningful development in the region is happening elsewhere, with non-members: the LAPSSET Project between Kenya, Ethiopia and South Sudan. The rest is simply mere talk and plane-hopping by 'technocrats', to make sure funds are spent within the allocates phase', thanks to the EU's arm in matters EAC, Trademark East Africa.How much clout will he have over this? He recently appeared 'scared' when this body visited him to brief him on what they intend to do in Uganda. He had to ask the leader of the delegation ( Country Director), in Luganda, about the source and purpose of these billions of dollars they were proposing to inject into the country!!! EAC meets only 25% of its budget. So, he who pays the piper...!!

The ICGLR itself, despite minor 'successes' remains toothless. Eastern DRC is in the hands of global mercenary mineral launderers, well protected and secured. Bukavu, dilapilated a la Mogadishu, is a hub of global merchant trade, controlled by Asians who are agents of bigger magnates. The wananchi simply eke out a living as hawkers, and casual labourers, while the rural hinterland supplies cheap food and endless minerals. Goma Airport is ever busy, with strange-looking crackling planes landing and taking off from 'no-where' and 'to no-where'. Will he chase out Monusco, or will only stop at haranguing them, assisted by Kiwete?. Will he push for cessation of Kivu, the way South Sudan did? This is the only viable solution to the DRC Crisis. The proposed regional neutral force will only join the 'fray of presence', with no impact.

The so-called 'negative' forces are simply on the fringes, hiding among peasants and occasionally torturing them, when they need to 'impose' their 'power'.

COMESA isnt any better. It is actually the most amorphous of economic blocs, given that the majoiry of its member states belong to the more powerful SADC, where South Africa holds sway. The only other powerhouse, Egypt, will always identify more with the Middle East than Africa, or the Maghreb than 'Sub-Saharan Africa.

ECOWAS is actually remains a stronger bloc, with Nigeria as the leader, especially in matters economic and military. Their longer established CFA Franc system approximates to a monetary union, thus more cohesive than EAC or COMESA, or the proposed Tripartite EAC-COMESA-SADC thing. There is no way therefore Museveni use the current positions to influence ECOWAS in matters Africa.

The African Union only changed in name. Shots here called by 'other powers elsewhere'.
So then, where will Museveni's triple power have influence? It is simply a coincidence that the ceremonial, rotating presidency of the blocs landed on him simultaneously, the way a few years back, Christmas and Idd-el-Fitr happened on the same day!!

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