
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Government Sponsorship through National Merit, District Quota, and Special Schemes (Talented Sports plus Persons with Disabilities)

Government Sponsorship

Government Sponsorship through National Merit, District Quota, and Special Schemes (Talented Sports plus Persons with Disabilities)
The application form for admission to all Public Tertiary Education Institutions is to be completed by Senior Six Leavers who wish to be considered for admission under government sponsorship to the Public Universities and to other Tertiary Education Institutions. The form will be used to collect information on applicants and this information will later be processed on computer.  Each applicant must complete the PUJAB application form.
Application fee for Ugandans is Ug. Sh.52,000/= per candidate
The fee should be paid to Stanbic Bank, using paying in slips, which should be collected from Room 202, Senate Building Makerere University by School Officials.  Payments can also be through Bank drafts in the names of Makerere University Council.

Each candidate is entitled to only one form; so each student must ensure that the form is neatly and accurately completed.  Untidy application forms may be rejected.
Candidate’s Name
The candidates’ names must be written in full and in capital letters.  The names must also be identical to the ones used for registration for O’ and A’ Level examinations.  No abbreviations will be accepted.  Even if the names were indicated on the Pass slip as initials, they must be written in full.

University Programmes
A student may apply for a maximum of Ten programmes (Six choices for national merit admission and another four choices for district quota admission) offered at the different Public Universities using the same form.  The Joint Admissions Board does admissions to all the Public Universities at the same time under the supervision of the Ministry of Education and Sports.


The programmes at the Universities are represented by three letter Codes; these are the Codes to be written in the space provided for each programme code. The candidates’ names will be written in the space provided.  CANDIDATES ARE ADVISED TO ENSURE THAT THEY WRITE THE CORRECT CODES FOR THE RESPECTIVE PROGRAMMES. Candidates should seriously note that a wrong Programme Code would result in to the Candidate’s name being omitted from the list of applicants for the particular programme(s).
Codes for Day Programmes which have places under Government Sponsorship PDF Word PS

Candidate’s Index Number
IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT A CORRECT INDEX NUMBER IS WRITTEN ON THE APPLICATION FORM for example U0013/503. That is, the Index Number should be written in full, clearly indicating the centre number as well.

The appropriate CITIZENSHIP should be clearly indicated on the form.  International students or Non-Ugandans should not complete the PUJAB form. They should fill forms for private sponsorship, which may be obtained from the University.

The Candidates should indicate whether they are MALE or FEMALE

It is important that the right Home District is indicated in the appropriate space. This is very important especially in relation to district quota admission. Candidates/applicants are warned against indicating wrong districts. Some indicate districts where their schools are located instead of their own home districts. If this is discovered either at registration or afterwards, the affected person’s admission will be cancelled.
District Codes in Uganda PDF Word PS

Candidates admitted on District Quota will be verified by the District authorities to confirm that they originate from those Districts.

Year of A’ Level Examinations and Centre Name
The year of A’ level Examinations e.g. 2011 and school name must be written in the space provided. This information will help the University to differentiate and identify students who may have sat the A’ level examinations in different years and different centres.

O-Level Results
Candidates should provide correct information on the year of O’Level, the Index Number and grades obtained per subject.  They must attach a copy of the O’Level Pass Slip, which should be submitted to the Admissions Office with the Application form for verification purposes.  There are cases of candidates who deliberately record better O-Level grades than what they actually obtained or deliberately recording A-Level Index Numbers, which are not theirs.  A’ Level candidates are warned against presenting forged O’Level Pass Slips to the University. Candidates who sat outside Uganda should submit photocopies of original documents in addition to UNEB equivalents.  The pass slips should be stapled on the application form. Candidates who obtained an over all Grade of 7, 9, Y or Z at O’Level do not qualify for University admission and need not apply.  One should have also passed at least 5 subjects at O’Level (i.e 5 subjects without a Grade 9).

False Information/Impersonation
Candidates are warned that cases of impersonation, falsification of documents or giving false/incomplete information whenever discovered either at registration or afterwards, will lead to automatic cancellation of admission, besides being referred to Police for prosecution.

Contact Address
Each candidate’s contact address should be written in the space provided.

Space for the Telephone Number, Fax Number and E-mail has been provided; these are to enable the University contact Candidates in case there is a problem with the application form or on any other admission matters.

Home County, Parish and Village
It is imperative that information is provided on the above for records and statistical purposes.

Information on Parents
Information regarding parents of each applicant must be provided whether alive or deceased.  Clearly indicate whether the parent is deceased.

Candidates’ Signature
To confirm that the Candidate is responsible for all the information entered on the application form, he/she should sign in the space provided and put their thumb print in the space provided. Before signing the form, CANDIDATES ARE URGED TO CROSS-CHECK THAT THE INFORMATION FILLED IN THE FORM IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF THEIR KNOWLEDGE.

Confirmation from Local Councils
The LC.I and LC.III Chairpersons must sign and stamp the forms as evidence that what the applicant has stated about his names, parents, home district and citizenships is correct.  (No application form will be accepted by the University without this confirmation).

Head teachers’ Certification on the Candidate
Head teachers are required to verify the citizenship, conduct, health condition, and sports ability of their candidates. They should cross check the information filled in the form by the candidates before signing. Head teachers are advised against endorsing documents that bear false information, for example on citizenship, district of origin or disability.

School Stamp
The school must stamp the application form as proof that what has been stated has been crosschecked and endorsed. THE SCHOOL STAMP TO BE USED SHOULD BE FOR THE CENTRES AT WHICH THE CANDIDATES WILL SIT THEIR A’LEVEL EXAMINATIONS.

Applicants who sat A’Level examinations in the previous years should note that A’Level results are valid for government sponsorship for only 3 years.  Those interested in re-applying should attach photocopies of both O’ and A’Level results on the application form.

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