choose the right tablet pc for university student
This is the age of information. New things and new technology pop up anytime, we have so many things to learn, and otherwise we may fall behind.
Imagine when you're busy working on a thesis, and people around you can't help you out from the work, how to solve the puzzle as soon as possible? The answer is Internet. You need to connect to Internet anytime anywhere.
You can Google a question with a desktop in your university library, or with a laptop in the hostel. Libraries not open every minute, sometime you have to leave the puzzle tomorrow, but we also have other work tomorrow, what we need, is to solve the puzzle now.
You may also meet the similar issues when you're using a laptop. We all know the battery life for laptop is short. Your laptop battery may just goes off after you find few answers, and your work has to be suspended before give a charge. And you'll be starting looking for a socket and sit near it. By the way, where to find available socket when you're moving with a laptop? After you find a secured sit with a socket in library, library staff tells you that 'time to close, please come tomorrow', and you have to rush to another place, after you sit down in the new place, you find your Internet bundle expired and you rushed to telecoms operator's office to join the queue to recharge your Modem in working hour if you are lucky enough, otherwise you have to wait for another working day! A Sad Academic Day just ends up like this without any academic result. That's why we decide to introduce Tablet PC to university student after we've been suffered something like this in our bitter and sweetness mixed university life.
This is just a figure of speech, a humorous explanation. Your premier purpose just search something on Internet, things can be easier if you have a small portable, functional, less cumbersome, longer battery life and flexible Tablet PC. You can simply access Internet with a SIM card by the help of cellular Tablet PC, and easily top up the Internet bundle with airtime recharge card. That's what we recommended to university student, a Tablet PC that support cellular network.
We hope this article is helpful to the people confusing on choosing a Tablet PC.
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