Saturday, February 15, 2014

Barack Obama and Beyonce in Love! The Truth About It

French newspaper Le Figaro is reporting that Beyoncé and President Barack Obama are having a love affair. Pascal Rostain, a French photographer, told the publication that “there is something big that is happening” between the two.
Barack Obama and Beyonce in Love
Barack Obama and Beyonce said to be in Love
“I can assure you that the world will talk about it,” he noted
Beyoncé and rapper Jay Z have been friends with the Obamas for several years .Beyonce recently performed at Michelle Obama’s 50th birthday party.
The news of love between Beyonce  and Obama came amidst reports that Barack Obama and his wife are headed for divorce. Earlier reports from U.S’s first family indicated that Obama had been cheating on Michele.
However, analyst say, the French Media has been attacking the U.S black President.
Kris Coratti of the Washington Post which was planning to run the story said the paper had no information other than the fact that Obama and Jay Z’s family had remained friends.

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