
Monday, February 3, 2014

List of Best Schools in PLE 2013

Below is the List of Best Schools in the  2013 Primary Leaving Examinations. The list includes other schools in different districts like Rakai ,Ntungamo ,Kabarole and Masaka.
St Cecilia Boarding P/S – Rakai
Rwetobo Preparatory School -Ntungamo District
St Jude Primary Kyegobe – Kabarole
Lwagula Memorial School- Kampala
Victoria Learning P/S Masaka
Kabojja P/S – Kampala
KY Day and Boarding P/S- Masaka
The usual best performing schools like Kampala Parents Schools, City Parents, St. Teresa P/S –Namagunga , Green Hill P/S and Silver Spoon P/S, dropped positions.

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