
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Pastor Kiganda Introduces Future Wife, Cindy Karonga

Pastor Kiganda on Sunday formally introduced his future wife, Cindy Karonga, a Zimbabwean.
Pastor Kiganda of Christianity Focus Centre has been forced to introduce the woman of his life by pentecostal pastors who said that he cannot be unmarried and lead the church as well or give advice to the married couples in the church.
Pastor kiganda wife 1At 2pm, a vintage Limousine with a personalized number plate entered the church gate and accompanied by pastors Franklin Mondo Mugisha and Michael Kyaze, Pastor Kiganda picked his bride-to-be and marched to the church. “The enemy attacked my camp seven years ago wanting to bring me down using my wife to defy our bed,” Pastor Kiganda said. “I cried to God over my agony and he showed me this lovely, God-fearing woman in Harare,” he added.
Ms. Karonga said she has kept her body pure awaiting a God-fearing man who would take her as his wife. “When David approached me three years back, I asked for time to investigate him and pray about his request until God answered my prayers,” she said.
Pastor Kiganda’s ex-wife, Hadija Nasejje was caught committing adultery with a casual laborer seven years ago. They have five children together.

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