
Monday, August 25, 2014

Benjamin Mukumbya wins the 2014 National Junior Chess Champion at City Oil, Kisementi, Kamwokya in Kampala

Fast rising Benjamin Mukumbya is the 2014 National Junior Chess Champion. The youngster attained the title after emerging victorious in the Open category of the City Tyres sponsored national event that ended o Sunday 24 August 2014 at City Oil, Kamwokya.
Photo: An attentive crowd listens in at the closing ceremony of the National Junior Chess Championship.
Stella Babirye won the Ladies Under 20 category. City Tyres, which sponsored the event for the third time in a row provided all the amenities required including but not limited to playing Hall, 30 trophies for the top three in five categories, 4 bicycles, meals and refreshments for the record setting 520 participants that showed up for the event. Last year’s event attracted 300 players.
Phiona Mutesi who participated in the Open category, pitying her wits against male opposition again put in a spectacular performance finishing in second position.
Photo: City Tyres’ Franco Mugabe and Chairman Mandela applaud one of the junior winners.
The top three winners who walked off with trophies in each of the various categories were as follows:
Under 8 Girls
Waibale Precious Ceila
Catherine Nayiga
Kayla Tendo
Under 8 Boys
Vincent Buwule
Akran Nkwanzi
Francis Mpungu
Under 10 Girls
Lydia Nakato 7 points
Namulondo Ntamba 5 points
Angel Naluggya 5 points
Under 10 Boys
Victor Kanyike 5 points
Joachim Kasozi 5 points
Isiah Wasswa 5 points
Under 15 Girls
Gloria Nansubuga 6 points
Valeria Nakitende 5.5 points
Stella Ayerwot 5.5 points
Under 15 Boys
Isaac Ntambi 6 points
Ashraf Ssebagala 6 points
Micheal Basangwa 5.5 points
Under 20 Girls
Stella Babirye 6.5 points
Rhoda Namuswe 6 points
Joan Nakimuli 6 points
Under 20 Boys
Benjamin Mukumbya 7 points
Phiona Mutesi 6 points
Williams Kalugo 6 points
Professional Category
CM Bob Bibasa 6 points
Haruna Nsubuga 5.5 points
Solomon Lubega 5 points
Christine Namaganda 3 points
Goretti Angolikin 3 points
WFM Ivy Amoko 3 points

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