
Sunday, August 17, 2014

Tips on how to choose a hostel

hostel iuiu
When fresh students have just joined campus, most of them join hostels without taking time to know about the general details about it, some are already cursing and all you can hear is  the ” I am not coming back to this hostel next semester” statements. Buh all this can perhaps be avoided, by just putting the tips below into consideration;
  • Proximity to hostel
One of the things you have to consider is how far the lecture room is from the hostel, this helps a lot for those who are so in love with sleep and end being late for lectures, a test or an exam.
  • Sanitation
I very much want to mention out the dirtiest hostel have ever seen, buh all I can say is, it is in MUK, Kikoni. That hostel with pretty much irritating smell and it is even worse for those who use general rooms, the state of the bathrooms are the reason most students there miss showering. So my dear, you wouldn’t to fall victim of this disgusting hostels’ hygiene. Go for a clean hostel.

  • Hostel shuttles.
A hostel with a bus/shuttle saves you the walking from hostel to campus, some hostels have them and others don’t. At least make sure the hostel you’re moving in own a shuttle if it far away from campus.

  • Hostel reputation
A hostel where students do weed, booze and use all sorts of substances would not be a good hostel for one to sleep in; they are always associated with things like fighting, theft and those nigga moments read (ghetto-issh moments).

  • Prices
Some people go to expensive hostels but still remain tuition defaulters, and they also have less upkeep. What’s the point? Choose a hostel that is at least pocket friendly.

  • Security
Inquire with your seniors if the security is tight in that particular hostel. You may not want to go to a hostel that is known for insecurity and theft. Also those very new, expensively acquires clothes and stuff from the bazaar maybe at risk, so security matters.

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