
Friday, August 22, 2014

Typical Signs of a Fresher

I admit,there is always something peculiar about these freshers, one doesn’t have to take a closer look to know one, I mean, the signs are as evident as a two-day-old ripe pimple!
Move in cliques: For starters, they move in cliques but are these supposed to make them look cool? I don’t know know. Its very hard to find a fresher solo, they believe it’s some sort of trend to belong somewhere which is well, true but not a clique. You know like the way it used to be back in high school. And if you happen to come closer to one of these ‘cliques’, you’ll move away with ‘bleeding ears’ due to too much accent forgery.
Dressing,make up and hairstyles; The all wear new cloths, apply heavy makeup and look like clowns. For most of us continuing students, beginning of first semester is always the best,filled with all kinds of fashion from all corners of the earth,too bad as time goes by,these freshers slow down since the reality of campus has hit them.
Cary Envelopes; In UCU, freshers are recognized by the big white envelopes they carry around everywhere plus the notebooks and stuff. Generally freshers are always on time for lecturers and most of them dress better than the lecturers and employees in state house.
Did I mention that they are confused? They are, always lost, have no idea where the lecture rooms are located. But that’s part of being a fresher,trying all possible ways to fit in and we can all notice.
Just a simple advice to all freshers waiting eagerly to join the various universities around; take it easy on the look,dress simply,be yourself and avoid clicks. Not so cool in campus and most importantly, drop the fake accents, please campus is hard enough and no one will ever take you serious in life, fact!

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