
Sunday, November 2, 2014

Two new Google Wallet features you don't want to miss

First, low balance alerts have been added, so you can get a notification when your account reaches a specific dollar amount.
Second, there is now a way to top off your account with automatic balance transfers. Here's how to get started with both:

Low balance alerts

Low balance alerts can prevent you from experiencing that embarrassing moment at checkout when the cashier tells you that your payment has been declined, by warning you so you can top up in time. Here's how to set them up:
Step 1: Tap the left slide-out menu and pick Wallet Balance (or tap your balance amount if you're on the main Wallet screen).

Wallet balance screen. Nicole Cozma
Step 2: Press Low Balance alert. Check the box next to Receive Low Balance alerts.

Low balance alerts. Nicole Cozma
Step 3: Enter the amount that will trigger a low balance alert. Press the back arrow in the top left-hand corner to save.

Automatic transfers

Whether you're adding money to your Google Wallet for weekend festivities, or just using Wallet as another savings method, here's how to set up automatic transfers:
Step 1: Tap the Add money button from the main screen and then press on "Set up a recurring transfer."

Recurring transfer screen. Nicole Cozma
Step 2: Enter the amount and then pick a frequency (weekly, once every two weeks or once a month) and the starting day of the week.
Step 3: Press the Review button in the top right-hand corner. The review screen will show you all of the details and you just need to tap Save to make initiate auto transfers.
What do you think of the two new features Google has added to Wallet? And what features would you still like to see? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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