
Friday, March 13, 2015

We Won’t Change The Fees Policy, Insists Makerere

Makerere University has said it will not revise its fees policy despite the students’ violent uprising that has now entered Day 3.
The University Spokesperson Mrs Ritah Namisango announced today that Makerere University Management had played its part, and responded positively to the students’ leadership plea, which was to extend the 100% fees payment deadline.
She says the country’s largest academic institution has no other option other than ensuring that students pay their fees on time
The students were expected to have cleared their dues by today Friday 13, according to Makerere’s contested new fees policy.
The Guild Speaker wrote to the Vice Chancellor Prof John Ddumba Sentamu on January 11, seeking for extension of the deadline by two weeks, to which the VC agreed after consultation with the Council, thus pushing the deadline to Friday 27th March 2015.
“The Vice Chancellor then engaged the student leaders on Wednesday 11th March 2015 (evening hours) and on Thursday 12th March 2015 (morning hours before the students started their demonstration) ensured that his official communication was received by the students,” noted Mrs Namisango.
“The semester started on 1st February 2015 and today is 15th March 2015, you will agree with us that Makerere University needs money to offer quality education services including teaching and learning, providing teaching and academic materials, scholastic and research equipment, top-up salaries of staff, pay for utilities such as water and electricity, and meet costs of suppliers of different items etc,” she noted.
“How is the University expected to operate if students are not paying tuition/fees?”
The furious learners however, whose strike has turned bloody, insist that Makerere University scraps the fees policy which requires them to have completed their dues in the first six weeks of the semester.
“As of now,” maintained Namisango, “the UNIVERSITY POSITION remains as indicated in the VC’s Letter to students extending the deadline for payment of fees to Friday 27th March 2015.”
Meanwhile the spokesperson went ahead to dismiss as false, the claims by some of the students that the university had hiked its fees structure.

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