
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Trump: No need for Obama actions on gun control

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump slammed President Obama’s reported plans for executive action on gun control in an interview set to air Sunday.
“I don’t like it,” he told CBS’ Face the Nation in a preview clip released Saturday. “I don’t like anything having to do with changing our Second Amendment.”

Obama is set to meet with Attorney General Loretta Lynch on Monday to discuss options for action. He has renewed his push for gun control after last month’s deadly attack in San Bernardino, Calif.
Obama is reportedly considering issuing an executive action that would expand background checks for firearms bought at gun shows. The White House is expected to release details next week.
In his interview, Trump said there are already “plenty of rules and regulations” to prevent mass shootings the administration isn’t doing.
He then pivoted to mental health, saying mental health facilities are being closed “all over the world.”
“We have a tremendous mental health problem,” he said. “We’re closing places all over the world — all over the country, they’re closing them, but they are closing all over the world. Tremendous mental health problems, nobody’s doing anything about that.
“All they want to do is blame the guns, and it’s not the gun that pulls the trigger,” he said.

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