
Sunday, February 7, 2016

Nansana Road works for completion in 2017

Residents and regular commuters along the Nansana Road have expressed concern about the disturbing clouds of dust and time consuming traffic jam as a result of the ongoing Uganda National Road Authority (UNRA) reconstruction of a 47km stretch.
"We apologize for inconveniencing you, but be rest assured of a better infrastructure by November 2017," said the director UNRA Roads and Bridges Development director Samuel Muhoozi during a press conference at the headquarters after a routine inspection of the road works.
UNRA engineer Chris Manyindo added that there are plans to effectively manage the status quo.
“Six traffic officers with riffles are destined to replace the two workers waving flags to control the traffic flow,” said Manyindo. “Naughty drivers risk being charged for any offences committed there.”
The road is being worked on by Spencon. A casual tour of the work being done was a revelation of activity as trucks opened up wide spaces, deposited stones and murrum. Some houses are being hidden behind mountains of earth.
Property developers with their radars on full alert for money minting opportunities have begun constructing shopping malls, hotels and schools.
A cross section of residents talked to revealed mixed feelings about the road construction. One corporate John Kiggundu said he has to carry an extra shirt in his briefcase when going to work.
“By the time I am at work a white shirt is brown and I badly need a shower to feel fresh!” said Kiggundu.
But a landlord with hundreds of acres by the highway is smiling with satisfaction.
“It is the best thing the NRM government has done for me,” said Mrs. R Kisitu. “You can see what was bush are now becoming urban centers. People are putting high rise buildings and mixed farms.”

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