
Thursday, August 24, 2023

Members of Parliament express dissatisfaction over staffing challenges at the national animal genetic resource center.

The Committee on Commissions, Statutory Authorities and State Enterprises (COSASE) is deeply concerned about the staffing challenges faced by the National Animal Genetic Resources Centre and Data Bank (NAGRC&DB). The committee discovered that some staff members have been in acting positions for a duration exceeding the legally stipulated period, while others were hired without following proper procedures. This has resulted in the staff count escalating from the approved 333 to 453. "The entity lacks the necessary manpower; junior employees are occupying positions of those under suspension. You've been involved in a court case for three years, and there's uncertainty about its duration," expressed Hon. Joel Ssenyonyi, the Chairperson of COSASE. This statement was made during a meeting where the committee reviewed the Auditor General's Report on NAGRC&DB for the Financial Year 2021/2022 on August 23, 2023. The committee also learned that over the past three years, 17 managers were removed from their positions, and junior officers were appointed in their stead. Highlighting Section 9 of the Uganda Public Service Standing Orders, it was pointed out that an acting appointment should not exceed six months unless authorized by the appointing authority for a maximum of 12 months. The committee expressed concern that the organization resorted to hiring casual staff to address the staffing deficit, disregarding a recent Ministry of Public Service circular that banned such recruitment. "You were not supposed to recruit additional staff, yet you mentioned in the audit report that you did recruit during the reviewed financial year. Did you ignore the Ministry of Public Service circular?" questioned Hon. Richard Gafabusa (NRM, Bwamba County). Gafabusa further noted, "Your staffing structure was originally approved for 333 staff, but the audit report indicates 453 staff, which is an excess of 120 staff. How did you increase the number, and how are you compensating them?" Dr. Peter Beine, the Executive Director of NAGRC&DB, responded that due to the increasing animal stocks and farms alongside inadequate staffing, his organization opted to hire casual employees. "We wrote to the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Public Service to fill pending technical positions, but it was not feasible. As a board, we decided to bring in more non-technical staff to compensate for the lack of technical staff," explained Beine. He revealed that most of the casual staff were receiving a monthly salary of USh 300,000. "The combined salary of 15 herdsmen equals that of one technical staff," he added. The committee pointed out that an organization tasked with enhancing the commercialization and productivity of animal breeding activities cannot be effectively managed by support staff alone. They advised Dr. Beine to work with the board to address the void created by the 17 technical staff who are currently absent from their roles. "We believe the organization is not operating optimally. You lack the required expertise, and we urge the board to make a decision – either replace them or reinstate them if a favorable court ruling is issued. What if the legal case takes years? Will you continue functioning like this?" inquired Ssenyonyi.

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