Four ways Google changed tech IPOs (and the tech world itself)
en years ago, Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin
introduced the world to the search engine's now-famous mantra: Don't be
The three-word vow is a promise to "do good things for the
world" -- and was introduced in an unusual 4,000-word treatise Page and
Brin wrote
to would-be investors in their 2004 founders' letter before the initial
public offering. The message was clear: Yes, we're joining the
businesses on Wall Street, but this is not business as usual.
"Google is not a conventional company. We do not intend to become one,"
Page wrote in the opening line of the letter, citing billionaire
investor Warren Buffett as a source of inspiration. "But the standard
structure of public ownership may jeopardize the independence and
focused objectivity that have been most important in Google's past
success and that we consider most fundamental for its future.
Therefore, we have implemented a corporate structure that is designed
to protect Google's ability to innovate and retain its most distinctive
Tuesday marks a decade since Google went
public. Its path has charted the course for the myriad tech companies
that have come after it.
The search engine made its debut on the
Nasdaq stock exchange, raising $1.2 billion. The amount seems almost
paltry compared to Facebook's $16 billion offering in 2012, and the
Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba's forthcoming IPO, expected to fetch about $20 billion.
Nasdaq headquarters on Google's IPO day.
Getty Images
But the world was a very different place in August 2004. Facebook was
only a few months old. Apple was still about three years away from
releasing the iPhone. And Google was known for search -- and not much
more. (Gmail was still in its infancy, launched in April of that year.
Google would buy Keyhole, which would become the basis of Google Maps,
two months after its IPO.)
Google's IPO changed all that. The company still rules the search world, but now it's also known for its Android mobile software, online video site YouTube, and ambitious, game-changing projects like driverless cars and Wi-Fi equipped balloons.
Projected revenue in 2014 is $67 billion (it was $3.18 billion in
2004), and Google's market capitalization is just shy of $400 billion.
The stock, which was priced at $85 at its opening and closed at $100.34
that day, traded at $582.16 end of day on Monday.
influence has grown so vast since then that it's run into criticism over
its market might. The company clashed with regulators in the United
States and Europe over competition issues, and has been the target of
privacy advocates who fear Google's power over users' data. (The "Don't
be evil" philosophy has been a favorite go-to for critics to cite while
protesting Google's policies.)
While it set the stage for the
next 10 years, the IPO didn't go off as smoothly as Page and Brin might
have liked. At the last minute, the offering price dropped to $85, from
the expected range of $108 to $135. And an interview
that Page and Brin gave to Playboy drew ire from the Securities and
Exchange Commission, who thought the piece put the company in violation
of the commission's IPO rules.
All market debuts are seminal
moments for the companies, but Google's IPO caused reverberations that
would affect not only tech IPOs from there on out, but the landscape of
the entire tech world as well. To get a sense of perspective, CNET
chatted with Lise Buyer, founder of the IPO strategist Class V Group.
Buyer was Google's director of business optimization until 2006 and part
of the team that took the company through its IPO. Buyer said she was
the most skeptical team member when Page and Brin came up with "weird"
ideas for the IPO, but that in the end, she was a believer.
are four ways Google's IPO changed the way tech companies take on an
IPO and how they run as public firms. Google wouldn't make any of its
executives available for this story, but instead pointed to Page and
Brin's letter from the's IPO prospectus.
Billionaire investor Warren Buffett's "Owners Manual" for shareholders inspired Brin and Page.
1. Warren's playbook. Page
and Brin called their message to investors an "Owner's Manual," taking
their cue and the name of their letter from Buffett, founder of
Berkshire Hathaway, who often wrote essays and letters to his
shareholders. Google's version was written mostly by Page.
practice is more commonplace now. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg used his
founders' letter to tell potential investors that "Facebook was not
originally created to be a company." When Alibaba filed for its IPO in
May, it was more of a surprise that the filing did not include a letter from co-founder Jack Ma.
But things were different in 2004, and reading a manifesto that said
the company would do no evil and take a long-term approach "even if we
forgo some short term gains" was novel, to say the least. "People
howled at how ridiculous the idea was," says Buyer. 2. Going Dutch. Google
took an unorthodox approach to its offering. It rounded up investors
using a "Dutch" Internet auction where the IPO price is based on bids by
investors, making the stock available to a larger pool of people. The
degree of success Google had with the Dutch method is debatable. Buyer
admits "it wasn't the perfect deal," but argues it was the right choice
for the company at the time.
The IPO didn't set off a trend of Dutch offerings, but was
emblematic of one thing. It was Page and Brin's attempt at taking a
process that was always done one way, and seeing if it could be done in
another, more efficient way, said Buyer. It's the same audacious
thinking Google has applied to projects since. An example: Google is
trying to cut the inefficiencies out of driving with software-powered cars.
"The process was unusual," says Buyer. "But it was a big old clue to the investors that the company would be unusual." 3. In control. The
company also rewrote the rules for tech founders. It created a
corporate structure based on "dual-class" stock, which gives the
founders outsize voting power. The structure was uncommon for a tech
company at the time, but more common for media companies where there's
concern over the business side influencing editorial content. In the
letter, Page even names The New York Times Company as having a similar
Page and Brin wanted the same principle to apply to
Google: not having to worry about investors meddling if they made
decisions that favored long-term plans over short-term profits.
Other high-profile tech companies have followed suit. Facebook and
LinkedIn -- which went public in May 2011 -- both use dual-class stock.
One of Google's self-driving cars. Newer prototypes don't have steering wheels or pedals.
4. Android makers, moon shot takers. The
IPO paved the way for some of Google's most important projects beyond
search. Yes, it brought them cash. Lots of cash. But as important, Page
and Brin, feeling less pressure from investors partly due to the
dual-class, could devote their time on efforts and experiments that took
Google into areas outside of the cash cow search business.
Almost exactly a year after the IPO, Google acquired mobile software
maker Android, which now powers the majority of the world's smartphones.
"I felt guilty about working on Android when it was starting. It was a
little startup we bought," Page said in March. "It wasn't really what we were working on."
"That was stupid, he said. "That was the future." Google has since
parleyed Android into the most popular mobile operating system in the
world with more than 80 percent market share, according to research firm IDC.
The same idea goes for the company's so-called "moon shots," audacious
attempts at technological leaps like driverless cars or the connected headset Glass.
"You don't want the company to not have the ability to not make a big
investment that might not pay off for awhile," said Buyer.
for whether Google has lived up to its pledge to don't do evil, that
depends on whom you ask. "The idea was that we don't quite know what
evil is, but if we have a rule that says 'don't be evil,' then employees
can say, I think that's evil," Eric Schmidt, Google's chairman, told NPR last May.
For the founders though, one thing about the idea was simple: Change
the world in the best way possible. There's no denying they've delivered
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