Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Gen Kayihura Rushes To Makerere To End Students’ Strike On Day Two

The Inspector General of Police Gen Kale Kayihura  Tuesday hurriedly rushed to Makerere University for a crisis meeting with student leaders and management as Police  continued to fire tear gas and live bullets to disperse striking students though the administration had suspended the additional graduations fees announced earlier on.
Kayihura entered into the main building flanked by  the regional operations commander for Kampala Metropolitan Sam Omala and several officials.
“The University should never increase any fee before consulting government and the President,”Kayihura ordered the University management.
Bwowe Ivan, Makerere university Guild President
Bwowe Ivan, Makerere university Guild President and the students despite the university’s decision, have refused to calm down, insisting the additional charges of Shs130, 000 should be expunged completely.

The university management last week announced an increment in the graduation fees from Shs90,000 to Shs220,000, prompting students led by their guild president Ivan Bwowe to go on strike protesting against the move which they referred to as unfair.
“It was unfair to pass the 130 percent increment without our knowledge,” Bwowe says.
In a notice released by Vice Chancellor, Prof. Ddumba Ssentamu on Tuesday, the campus administration said it had “suspended until further notice” the increment in graduation fees.
Makerere University Students on strike on Monday
Makerere University Students on strike on Monday
This morning, police led by Afande Sam Omala have also foiled several attempts by the students to leave the university premises on claims that they would disrupt businesses in the neighboring areas like Wandegeya, Kikoni and Mulago, among others if they are let out of the university premises.
At around 9.30, One way and WeWe we’re the only sounds that could be heard in Makerere. Lumumba boys solicited themseleves to fetch the rest of the students who are headed for the freedom square to demand for an answer since no conclusion was made yesterday.
Meanwhile, the situation has returned to normal but police remains heavily deployed at the university and surrounding areas to prevent any more chaos.

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