Namusisi studied Law at the university. Because she was not sure what
career she wanted to pursue in future, she followed her parents’ advise
to study Law. After all, they argued, she had made the mark. “I have
however, failed to get a job up to now,” she says. Failing to find a job
after university is stressful, however, it is more disheartening if you
were not even interested in the course you studied. That is why, one
needs to be careful while choosing a career to pursue. Today, Namusisi
says she wants to study accounting.
Choose what interests you
According to Charles Ocici the executive director at Enterprise Uganda, one should choose
a career that interests them to avoid boredom “Start by looking at the things you do well and compare them to work you’ve done in the past in order to identify key skills that can be used in a new career,” he advises. If you have trouble deciding what you would like to do, consult career development experts.
Attitude towards work
Even though you choose the right career, Ocici says attitude matters a lot although many people do not realise it. “Having a positive attitude about working can result in being able to manage high levels of stress and responsibility and being selfmotivated,” Ocici says.
Availability of Jobs
Stuart Mwesigwa, a business development manager at Roofings Group, says when choosing a career, a big factor is how many jobs will be available at certain levels. “If you are a new graduate or you’re trying to switch careers mid-life, this can be a determining factor. Try and pursue a career in an area that has many job opportunities,” he explains
Mwesigwa says everyone has unique talents which have been present since childhood while for others they are learned over time. In order to determine what career you should choose, begin by looking at skills that can be used on the job or look at career paths that compliment your current skills and talents.
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