
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

C program of Student Database System Version 1 Read original Article: C program of Student Database System

C program of Student Database System : Hey friends, on request of users i have started making Student Database System in C Language. I have came up with version 1 of C program of Student Database System. Its a switch case based Menu driven program which allows you to add student details like roll no, his first name, last name and marks as its first option. It also has search the student based on roll no and also you can search student by his first name. Since this is version one, its has few limitation that we will fix in further coming versions.
1. Validations are missing i.e. If you enter alphanumeric chars in integer fields it will show weird results.
2. Search is limited to first name. If duplicate name exists in file then it returns the first one.
3. Will add marks based search soon.
Now let us see Menu Driven C Program of Student Database System having search by name and search by roll no as options.
Platform : C language
Compiler : Dev C++

C program of Student Database System :

    int roll_no;
    char firstname[20];
    char lastname[20];
    int mark;
int main()
   int flag,choice,shift,rollnumber,found,continu,length;
   char studentname[20];
   FILE *fp;
    printf("----------------made by C code champ ------------------------\n");
      printf("\n1 -> Store a new record in database\n");
      printf("2 -> Search a student record by Student First Name\n");
      printf("3 -> Search a student record by rollNo\n");
      printf("4 -> Quit Student Database");
      printf("Enter your choice : ");
       case  1:
       printf("\nEnter Student Details:\n\nRoll number (Integer): ");
       printf("\nMark(0 - 100 integer) : ");
       printf("A student record has been added successfully...\n");
       printf("\n\n1 -> Wish to add another record to database");
       printf("\n2 -> Wish to move to Main Menu");
       printf("\n3 -> Exit from Program\n");
        goto Label2;
        goto Label1;
       case 2:
       printf("\nEnter student first name: ");
       printf("Searching record with studentname=%s.\n",studentname);
            printf(" ! The File is Empty...\n\n");
            while(!feof(fp)&& found==0)
                length = strlen(student.firstname);
         printf("\nThe record is found.");
         printf("\nRoll no: %d\nName: %s\nSurname: %s\nMark: %d \n",student.roll_no,student.firstname,student.lastname,student.mark);
         printf("Not found...\n");
       printf("\n\n1 -> Wish to search another record");
       printf("\n2 -> Wish to move to Main Menu");
       printf("\n3 -> Exit from Program\n");
        goto Label4;
        goto Label1;
        printf("\nEnter a valid choice");
        goto Label5;
       case 3:
       printf("\nEnter the rollnumber: ");
       printf("Searching record with rollnumber=%d.\n",rollnumber);
            printf(" ! The File is Empty...\n\n");
            while(!feof(fp)&& found==0)
         printf("\nThe record is found.");
         printf("\nRoll no: %d\nName: %s\nSurname: %s\nMark: %d \n",student.roll_no,student.firstname,student.lastname,student.mark);
         printf("Not found...\n");
       printf("\n\n1 -> Wish to search more..");
       printf("\n2 -> Wish to move to Main Menu");
       printf("\n3 -> Exit from Program\n");
        goto Label6;
        goto Label1;
        printf("\nEnter a valid choice");
        goto Label7;
       case 4: break;
       default :
          printf(" Bad choice...Enter the choice again...\n");
          goto Label1;
      return 0;
We hope you all have enjoyed the C program of Student Database System. 

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