
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

‘Live bullets’ used to break up student protests

Kampala - Uganda police fired live bullets and tear gas on Monday to break up protests by university students, wounding several people, authorities and witnesses said.
“We were holding a peaceful strike but police came and fired bullets and tear gas, several students have been injured - one was hit by a stray bullet and was taken to hospital,” student leader Ivan Boowe told AFP.
Police said only one student was wounded.
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“There was a student who was hit by a stray bullet and we took him to hospital, but it was a minor injury,” said senior police officer Sam Omara.
The students, from the capital's Makerere University, were calling for graduation fees to be lowered, from some 85 dollars to 35 dollars.
University vice-chancellor Dumba Ssentamu said it was “unfortunate” the students had protested, saying the fee rise was unavoidable.
Since the beginning of this year, Makerere students have staged numerous demonstrations against rising costs.

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