Interview with Bobi & Bebe's biggest fans
Bobi Wine’s Biggest Fan
Q: So, how do you feel about Bobi Wine?
A: Bobi Wine to me represents the best things
possible in life. I mean, anyone who has a dream, anyone who struggles
to achieve, can look at Bobi Wine as an inspiration. That is why I love
Bobi Wine.
Q: So he is a role model to you?
A: He is not my role model. My role models look up to Bobi Wine. He is the rolest.
Q: Do you listen to any other musicians apart from Bobi Wine?
A: There is no other musician apart from Bobi
Wine. Everyone else is just a noisemaker. Even Chris Brown. Okay, I kind
of like Chris Brown a bit. Look at me now, look at me now, look at me
now… Chris Breezy should do a collabo with Bobi Wine so that he can take
his game to the next level.
Q: You think the next level for Bobi Wine is to feature on R&B tracks with international stars like Chris Brown?
A: No, I meant I think the next level for Chris Brown is to feature on a Firebase track with Bobi.
Q: How do you feel about Bobi Wine’s rivals in music?
A: I despise them with every fibre of my being. I
spend all day hating them. Sometimes I sleep late so that I can get a
few extra hours hating them.
Q: But what have they ever done to you?
A: Are you trying to suggest that the differences
between Bobi Wine and Bebe Cool are between the two musicians and that
they are of no concern to the fans? Do you want me to slap you? Of
course they are my concern. I hate whatever Bobi tells me to hate. I
even hate it more. If you like Bebe Cool I hate you as well. In fact,
take that!
Q: Ouch! Kale I didn’t say I like Bebe Cool, I was just asking a question.
A: Say you love Bobi Wine! Say it quickly! Say it!
Q: Okay, okay, I love Bobi Wine! Stop kicking my head.
A: Now you have learned your lesson, continue asking me about how awesome Bobi Wine is.
Q: Okay, do you think Bobi won the recent Battle of the
Champi…OUCH! Sorry. I mean, Bobi Wine won the recent Battle of the
Champions Concert, right?
A: Yes, he did. He completely outclassed his opponent with a virtuoso performance that redefined music for all time.
Bebe Cool’s Biggest Fan
Q: So, how do you feel about Bebe Cool?
A: Bebe Cool to me represents the best things
possible in life. I mean, all the things a person who struggles to make
their dreams come true, anyone who wants to follow their own dreams in
spite of what they are told by their parents or society, they can look
at Bebe Cool as an inspiration. That is why I love Bebe Cool.
Q: So he is a role model to you?
A: I already answered that question, boss.
Q: Do listen to any other musicians apart from Bebe Cool’s?
A: Yes, I do, of course. I listen to the music
made by the people Bebe Cool collaborates with, and the music made by
people in Bebe Cool’s camp. I also listen to commercials and the
national anthem. And the only time I listen to the national anthem is
when I’m thinking to myself that it should be replaced by Bebe Cool
Q: Which Bebe Cool song in particular?
A: All of them. At once.
Q: But it might be problematic to sing a Ugandan national anthem in a fake Jamaican accent.
A: Are you suggesting that Bebe Cool is somehow
disingenuous because he claims to represent Ugandan music proudly and
yet often speaks in patois, an accent from another country entirely? Are
you saying that this is somehow fake? Because I take that as a
criticism against Bebe and that means I must do this…
Q: OUCH! That hurt!
A: It was meant to. Now, I hope you have learned
your lesson. Don’t ask stupid questions or I’ll punch you again. Bebe is
perfect and everything he does is beyond reproach.
Q: Okay. How do you feel about Bebe’s rivals in music?
A: Like this.
Q: Ouch! Dammit! $%^#!! My head!
A: You asked a question and I answered.
Q: You could have just told me. You didn’t have to show me.
A: Well, I didn’t want to leave any doubt in your mind.
Q: You barely left any blood in their either. I have to get
this head wound treated. But first one final question: Who do you think
won the recent Battle of the Champions?
A: There was no such thing. What we had was a
Destruction Of The Bobi By The Champion, a concert which took place last
weekend where we defeated that pretender.
Q: You say “we”; this suggests that you as a fan feel that you share in the triumphs of your favourite musician, Bebe Cool.
A: Yes. And then we drove off in our hummer to our home to sleep with our hot wife.
Interview of Naava Grey

First she was on Project Fame competing. Then she was not winning. Then she vanished. Then some chick calling herself Naava Grey appeared out of the blue with dope songs. Eh! It was the same Aisha Naava from TV! Carol Kasujja went and found the babe and they talked and talked. Here’s the interview . . .
Q: Why do you call yourself Grey?
A: I like color grey because I am neutral about
life. People who like grey are very hard working. We are calm and do not
want to attract attention. One common character about grey people is
that, we look for a richer, happier and fuller lifestyle.
Q: I heard you dropped out of school in 2008 when you went
for Tusker Project fame. Do you intend to go back to finish your
A: Eh! You guys have all kind of gossip. Okay, it
is not dropping out like you have called it, I interrupted my studies
but I will resume next year. I am sure I did not make a bad decision to
quit for some time. Anyone who loves music would quit if given an
opportunity to go for TPF.
Q: Based on what you know about yourself, make five predictions about your future?
A: Married, successful, very fat, not in Uganda and having 10 children. Can I make more predictions?
Q: What helps you keep your beauty?
A: Music. When I sing, I become happy. I do not
need to invest in make-up to look good. Personally, I do not have any
beauty tip I follow. Everything about me is natural. You cannot find me
reading beauty magazines. For what?
Q: What do you like in a man?
A: I am interested in a man who is understanding, a
good listener, respectful and God-fearing. With God-fearing I do not
mean that he goes to church every Sunday, I want someone who loves God
from his heart. I hate posers.
Q: Minus helping the needy, what would you do if you had a million dollars?
A: I will use that money to sensitize people about
malaria and morals. In my village, people drink un-boiled water and
many live near bushes. I would educate them about the dangers of having
bushes near homes. Secondly, these days people have no morals. You sit
in a taxi and a person throws a kavera outside. They need to know
something called “not littering”.
Q: Do you have stalkers, and what do you normally tell them?
A: I have them but I treat them like friends. If I am not comfortable with the friendship, I unfriend you.
Q: Do you have a boyfriend?
A: Boyfriend! Yeah, I do.
Q: As a musician, which advise would you give to the youth to fight Aids?
A: Young people should try to make wise decisions.
Let them wait for the right time to get married and have safe sex.
Youth should avoid bad peer groups.
Women would storm my office and ask for love- Bugembe

Pastor Wilson Bugembe is a rock star, complete with groupie love. Carol Kasujja decided to join the stalkers, but with an interview, not those things.
Q: Praise God Pastor.
Praise the Holy Son of God. I am impressed that you love Jesus. Stay blessed, darling.
Q: As a fan and a believer, I would like to know your greatest weakness as a pastor.
I find it hard to punish people who wrong me. I always act like
there is nothing wrong yet inside I am burning with anger but I cannot
Q: You told us that you were going to marry in 2011, up to now, you are still single. Do you even have a fiancée?
I have a girlfriend, and if all goes well we are getting married this year. But I am not sure of the month.
Q: Oh, you have a girlfriend! Tell me more about her.
She is a third year student at Makerere University. She is
beautiful and loves God. Please do not ask more questions. You will get
to know her more when she becomes my wife.
Q: Ok, this is the last question about her. Which pick up line did you use to win her heart?
I did not know that I was in love. She is someone who was always
around church. She was a friend and we used to pray together. We were in
the same cell. Before I knew it, I could not spend a day without
calling her to find out how she is doing. After nine months, I developed
feelings and I fell in love. No more questions.
Q: In one of your songs, you say that women stalk you. Have they stopped now that you have a girl friend?
At least these days they are not many. But last year, they would
storm my office and ask for love. Two years back, there is a lady who
called me to sing at her introduction but she told her parents that I
was coming as the son- in -law.
Q: Diana Namisango, wants to know why you slapped a girl in 2010 at your church.
She was not girl. She was an old woman who had stalked me for over
two years. She was abusing me, using vulgar words whenever she met me;
she even wanted to bewitch me. She abused me and I lost it and slapped
her. I am also human I get angry.
David Akiror is worried that you mix a lot with secular musicians. Won’t they lead you astray?
Before I became a star, these are people who used to help me in my
daily life. Aziz Azion used to play a guitar in church, Titie Tabel
connected me to important people, and Ruth Wanyana gave me support when I
was opening up the orphanage. I cannot throw them out because I am a
pastor. But God sent me to look out for Bobi Wine and Chameleon. But I
think I am soon giving up because they seem to have hard souls.
Holy pop music
Kirk Franklin: He is one of the most popular
gospel musicians ever, even though he does not sing. He is known for
leading urban contemporary choirs such as The Family, God’s Property and
One Nation
Mary Mary: They are not called Mary. These
sisters, best known for the hit Shackles (Praise You) are Erica
Atkins-Campbell and Trecina Atkins-Campbell.
Papa San: The Jamaican son of Rastafarian parents went on to become one of the most popular gospel dancehall stars in the world.
The intricacies of kickboxing as a sport

Kickboxing is an escalating craze in Kampala whose passionate fans are yet to grasp the sport so well.
Ugandan kick-boxer Ronald Mugula knocked out Hungarian Andras Nagy much to delight of his home fans at Kyadondo.
We caught up with the Canada-based Ugandan kickboxing trainer Phillip Ndugga for an informative interview.
Q: Kickboxing is getting very popular in Uganda but fighters and officials appear to have issues with understanding their own sport. How knowledgeable are you about kickboxing?
A: I just retired from competitive MuayThai-kickboxing two years ago in Amsterdam and I have been involved in martial arts for over 20 years.
I have had an opportunity to train with the best K1 champions in the world such as Mr. Perfect Enersto Hoost and Remy Bonjasky. I am currently based in Canada where I teach kickboxing, Tae Kwon Do, MuayThai.
I have a fourth Degree black belt in kickboxing from the International kickboxing Federation - Germany 8th Khan from MTBD. I am a Kru (teacher) of Muaythai, I work with Heavens Fitness, an elite fitness centre in Calgary, Canada.
Q: Mugula knocked out Nagy. What do you make of Mugula’s tactics and future in the sport?
A: First, I would like to congratulate Mugula for his exemplary performance. I was following him via newspapers and watching some of his training clips on the internet.
He did display great skills especially his hands - boxing skills, the boy has been training hard.
He had a great camp, very well prepared and organised for the fight. I spoke with him on the morning of the fight and he sounded focused and confident.
I was very lucky he took my call but to my understanding he was not talking to anyone outside his camp.
Q: Can anybody who can kick and punch jump into a kickboxing ring?
A: It’s not that simple and sadly that’s what many people in Uganda believe. Kickboxing is a combination of Western styles of boxing mixed with martial arts kicks.
There are several styles. One of them is full contact kickboxing where fighters are not allowed to kick below the waist.
They can only punch and kick above the waist, they also wear long pants. The second is kickboxing with low kicks- very similar to MuayThai, here low kicks are allowed but no sweeps, clinching.
Then Muay-Thai kickboxing, the traditional sport of Thailand, also known as the Art of 8 limbs - that is punches, kicks, elbows and knees.
Clinching and sweeps are allowed. It is a deadly art, a very good form of self defence and mandatory in the Thai Army.
Q: Which of these styles suits an upcoming country like Uganda?
A: We are very fortunate here in Uganda due to our genetic make-up.
There is great potential except we lack coaching skills. With proper coaching and training we can do all of them. In the Golola-Szamboki fight they did kickboxing with low kicks.
Q: Why is it that Nagy had yellow strings on the arm but Golola had none?
A: Andras Nagy is an upcoming fighter - a yellow pradjeet is the rank in Thai boxing, very similar ranking to a Tae Kwon do yellow belt but of course different requirements for each sport.
Zsamboki didn’t have anything but he is better. Golola also didn’t have anything because he has not been graded in Muay Thai.
Q: Do you think Golola still has a future in kickboxing?
A: You never count any one out until they hang up their gloves. With proper training and focus he could come back. A good management team would make a difference.
Q: What’s your take on World Kickboxing Federation (WKF) that awards world title fights at will?
A: I know that WKF exists but there are other authorities like International Kickboxing Federation (IKBF) based in Germany and K1 from Japan among others.
All these are global bodies and I don’t think they have any representatives here. The Uganda Kickboxing Federation can affiliate to some of these organisations. There is also the World Muay-Thai Council.
Q: What do you make of Golola’s performance as compared to the pre-fight hype?
A: Firstly, his conditioning and cardiovascular efficiency left a lot to be desired. In a professional fight of that calibre getting tired is not an option, by the third round he was already showing signs of exhaustion.
Q: What do you make of coaches in Uganda?
A: Uganda has some of the best boxing coaches in the region, a short trip to Kampala Boxing Club down town - Nakivubo would earn you one. In terms of kickboxing I have not yet connected with any local coaches.
Shame on men who wink at me!

Kickboxing is an escalating craze in Kampala whose passionate fans are yet to grasp the sport so well.
Ugandan kick-boxer Ronald Mugula knocked out Hungarian Andras Nagy much to delight of his home fans at Kyadondo.
We caught up with the Canada-based Ugandan kickboxing trainer Phillip Ndugga for an informative interview.
Q: Kickboxing is getting very popular in Uganda but fighters and officials appear to have issues with understanding their own sport. How knowledgeable are you about kickboxing?
A: I just retired from competitive MuayThai-kickboxing two years ago in Amsterdam and I have been involved in martial arts for over 20 years.
I have had an opportunity to train with the best K1 champions in the world such as Mr. Perfect Enersto Hoost and Remy Bonjasky. I am currently based in Canada where I teach kickboxing, Tae Kwon Do, MuayThai.
I have a fourth Degree black belt in kickboxing from the International kickboxing Federation - Germany 8th Khan from MTBD. I am a Kru (teacher) of Muaythai, I work with Heavens Fitness, an elite fitness centre in Calgary, Canada.
Q: Mugula knocked out Nagy. What do you make of Mugula’s tactics and future in the sport?
A: First, I would like to congratulate Mugula for his exemplary performance. I was following him via newspapers and watching some of his training clips on the internet.
He did display great skills especially his hands - boxing skills, the boy has been training hard.
He had a great camp, very well prepared and organised for the fight. I spoke with him on the morning of the fight and he sounded focused and confident.
I was very lucky he took my call but to my understanding he was not talking to anyone outside his camp.
Q: Can anybody who can kick and punch jump into a kickboxing ring?
A: It’s not that simple and sadly that’s what many people in Uganda believe. Kickboxing is a combination of Western styles of boxing mixed with martial arts kicks.
There are several styles. One of them is full contact kickboxing where fighters are not allowed to kick below the waist.
They can only punch and kick above the waist, they also wear long pants. The second is kickboxing with low kicks- very similar to MuayThai, here low kicks are allowed but no sweeps, clinching.
Then Muay-Thai kickboxing, the traditional sport of Thailand, also known as the Art of 8 limbs - that is punches, kicks, elbows and knees.
Clinching and sweeps are allowed. It is a deadly art, a very good form of self defence and mandatory in the Thai Army.
Q: Which of these styles suits an upcoming country like Uganda?
A: We are very fortunate here in Uganda due to our genetic make-up.
There is great potential except we lack coaching skills. With proper coaching and training we can do all of them. In the Golola-Szamboki fight they did kickboxing with low kicks.
Q: Why is it that Nagy had yellow strings on the arm but Golola had none?
A: Andras Nagy is an upcoming fighter - a yellow pradjeet is the rank in Thai boxing, very similar ranking to a Tae Kwon do yellow belt but of course different requirements for each sport.
Zsamboki didn’t have anything but he is better. Golola also didn’t have anything because he has not been graded in Muay Thai.
Q: Do you think Golola still has a future in kickboxing?
A: You never count any one out until they hang up their gloves. With proper training and focus he could come back. A good management team would make a difference.
Q: What’s your take on World Kickboxing Federation (WKF) that awards world title fights at will?
A: I know that WKF exists but there are other authorities like International Kickboxing Federation (IKBF) based in Germany and K1 from Japan among others.
All these are global bodies and I don’t think they have any representatives here. The Uganda Kickboxing Federation can affiliate to some of these organisations. There is also the World Muay-Thai Council.
Q: What do you make of Golola’s performance as compared to the pre-fight hype?
A: Firstly, his conditioning and cardiovascular efficiency left a lot to be desired. In a professional fight of that calibre getting tired is not an option, by the third round he was already showing signs of exhaustion.
Q: What do you make of coaches in Uganda?
A: Uganda has some of the best boxing coaches in the region, a short trip to Kampala Boxing Club down town - Nakivubo would earn you one. In terms of kickboxing I have not yet connected with any local coaches.
Shame on men who wink at me!

“Sr. Susan Nganga is the
headmistress of St. Mary’s Aboke in Kole District, a Catholic church
founded secondary school in northern Uganda. The school is mostly
remembered for the 1996 LRA abductions. It is 18 years now since Nganga
was professed a nun. She shared a few bits of her life with Solomon Oleny
I thought nuns are supposed to wear veils 24/7, why aren’t you wearing one?
A: Yes, for most of the other
congregations it is mandatory, but not with the Brother Comboni
Missionaries. Unless one is executing divine roles, a nun can do without
the veil.
Q: What does it feel like knowing you will never marry?
Ans: It feels very normal. I am as contented as someone who is married, given that my line of work is a calling from God.
Q: If you had a chance to get back to the time before you became a nun, what profession would you have chosen?
A: I would still make the
decision to become a nun and I would have still chosen the congregation
of Comboni Missionaries because they are amazing.
Q: Since you became a nun in 1994 do men make advances at you?
Ans: Yes they do. Fortunately, it is always up to me to make the final decision.
Q: So what decisions do you make at the end of the day?
A: I figure out a polite way of turning down their requests without necessarily offending them.
Q: Does that mean you are not attracted to men?
A: No, I think you got it
twisted. Much as I may be attracted to them, I always seek God’s support
to help me conquer the attraction. I am delighted that the Almighty has
never let me down for the reason that I have never bowed to any
Q: What is your take on priests who are getting married?
A: That is a betrayal to their
call. They are worth comparing to adulterous married men, only that in
this case, they are unfaithful to God. Yes, their divine calling may be
challenging, but they can always count on God for guidance when faced
with temptations.
Q: Since you may never have any biological child, has adoption ever crossed your mind?
A: Yes and no. Since adoption
demands that one should offer his or her foster child more attention
than other people, it is not a good idea as such. Consequently, I share
the parental love I have with all those around me like young colleagues,
students of St. Mary’s, the teachers and the parents, among many other
Q: What were your parents’ reactions to your decision to become a nun?
A: Initially, they objected, but when it dawned on them that it was my destiny, they became very supportive.
On Wednesday, December 5, 2012, a member of UAH (whom we
prefer to keep secret due to the sensitivity of this matter) had gone
to Murchison Bay prison in Luzira to visit a relative, and ran into the now
embattled former Principal Accountant in the Office of the Prime Minister
Geoffrey Kazinda, and asked him a few questions on record. Kazinda also managed
to photocopy a number of documents from his file and gave them to him. Below
are excerpts.
Kazinda interview: ‘Bigirimana planted evidence at my house

Kazinda was in hospital ward upper
floor bed number 8 by the window side facing the main Upper Prison, and there,
he can virtually watch every vehicle in-coming to Murchison Bay area.
Admin: So Kazinda what happened to you, we are reading a lot about
you in the papers over the scam in the OPM.
Kazinda: (gives sheepish smile, and lets out a prolonged hearty
laugh) Well, Mr. X, am glad to see here, I didn’t know you could think about
me. I am here, you know like you could have been in the Democratic Republic of
Congo the two of you, and problems crop up. So, your friend with whom you were
in Congo knows that you are the only other person who knows what you did there,
and decides to deal with you, if possible eliminate. So, in my case am
incarcerated here because the PS, Mr. Pius Bigirimana wants to keep me here. He
knows if am out he cannot be a free man; I will let out a lot of information
about the problems in OPM as far back as we began working together.
Admin: But surely, Bigirimana cannot keep you here indefinitely,
after three months on remand you may get out, but, also, you will have your day
in court so you telling your side of the story.
Kazinda: Yes that is true, but he hopes he can manipulate the system
as he maligns me along like what you hear him saying in parliament before PAC.
He is using the police especially IGP Kayihura to keep me here.
Admin: So what is your next step now that you are here, and each
time you are suppose to appear before court you claim you are too sick to attend
Kazinda: No. As you can see, I am here in hospital admitted. In
fact the doctors here have told me they can no longer manage my case from here.
I need to get bail and travel to Nairobi for a further operation and treatment.
Admin: So what next anyway?
Kazinda: I am but when I get out am going to get a lot of money
because of this malicious arrest and prosecution by the state on the
instigation of the PS Bigirimana using the police, Grace Akullo and Kayihura.
Admin: You mean you are just being framed, you are totally
Kazinda: I am sure am innocent but we have done many things
together with Bigirimana, and he knows that when I get out he may not be as
safe. He should be here with me. If anything, he is the accounting officer
responsible for many of much of the mess. But as you can see his testimonies in
parliament before PAC he does not have the right answers. I am the one with
some of the answers but he chose to deal with me as way of killing evidence and
they get nowhere with those investigations.
Admin: Why did you use the domant account to steal public funds?
Kazinda: Some time back the people in finance ministry asked all
accounting officers to indicate in writing which accounts were active and
dormant, and which of those they wanted to leave open. This particular was then
left open by the PS Bigirimana, he knows it and the Accountant General also
knows the truth. It wasn’t me who opened or used. Bigirimana is signatory to
that account.
Admin: Do you mean to say all these things we hear are really
lies about you?
Kazinda: Many of the things were with his approval. He approved
many of those things being talked about. But, am glad when he wanted me out he
chose to use the forensic audit. I was never part of the audit. I was never
interviewed. And so, most of the things are pinning him and he must be wishing
the ground could swallow him. He did not know how far this thing would spin,
and it is too late for him.
Admin: Do you mean you never forged Bigirimana’s signatures to
withdraw money from banks including Bank of Uganda?
Kazinda: Never. I never forged any documents. Indeed no documents
as far as I know were forged, and the PS knows as much. Those cheques were all
signed by Bigirimana. In fact the PS is never sure of his own signatures, and
we many cheques that were queried by Bank of Uganda and returned to us in OPM.
They were genuinely signed by the PS but unfortunately he can never get his
signature sight at once, he always tries many times before he gets it right.
Admin: You mean you did not steal cheque books, how about the
ones recovered from your residence in Bukoto?
Kazinda: that is why I told am going to get a lot of money from this
arrest and malicious prosecution. I was not present when the police search took
place. I was never asked to sign those forms after the search. All those are
concoctions by the PS, he is the one who personally brought a kavera full of
documents and gave it to my mother, and the police have not bothered to verify
Admin: Why to your mother, and how did he know where your mother
Kazinda: The PS has ever visited me at my home. He knows my house,
and my mother lives next to me, and they know each other.
Admin: Where and when did Bigirimana visit you?
Kazinda: When I fell sick and took leave from June 04, 2012 to
begining of July. I think he visited me towards the end of June; I have it on
my records. But with a hind sight, I think he did not come to visit me just as
a friend and his officer, he also came to survey my residence so he could come
or send some people later to plant documents.
Admin: Why do you think so?
Kazinda: the Ps returned that evening and found he could not
penetrate my residence, and so, he chose to give my mother the kavera full of
documents which police later claimed, and used the press to say were recovered
from residence. It was to blackmail me.
Admin: So were the forged cheques among them?
Kazinda: Those are not forgeries; they are genuine signed by the PS.
Let me tell you the genesis of those cheques. It began some time, I think at
the beginning of 2010 during the landslides in Bududa. The then Prime minister
Prof. Nsibambi (Apolo) was returning from Bududa and he was with the PS when
their helicopter crushed somewhere in Busoga… Bugiri. Prof. Nsibambi took sick
leave, I think of about two months. The PS, Bigirimana never took sick leave
but chose to work from home because he complained of terrible back and joint
pains. The PS stayed home for about two weeks, and during all that I used to
take to him cheques to sign from his home. In fact, I used to take them to him
in his bed room. Not once, twice, three times, but many times I sat with him on
his bed as he signs those cheques which were indeed very many. Many times he
would try over and over until he gets his signature right. All those cheques
which he signed but with faulty signature, I returned them for custody because
they are government property auditors could come and ask for them.
Admin: You mean you went into his bed room?
Kazinda: Yes, because he was the principal signatory and there was
no way we get money to run the operations of OPM. He asked me to take them to
his bedroom.
Admin: Where does he live..I mean his residence?
Kazinda: Now he has shifted to Bugolobi, but at that time he was
staying in those flats in Nakasero as you go past Emin Pasha hotel. I don’t
remember the name of the road. There are some flats there I don’t know who owns
Admin: How about absconding from duty and refusing to write a
handover report?
Kazinda: the PS is telling lies. I never absconded. He gave me an
official sick leave from June 4, 2012 to July 8, 2012. (Kazinda gives me a
photocopy of the leave memo dated 3rd June, 2012, and it endorsed by Bigirimana
in which the PS wrote; PA. It is unfortunate. However take note that I am not
aware of what went wrong. We shall discuss when you report back. Signed PS
dated 4/6/12).
Admin: So if the PS gave you leave why do you think he turned on
Kazinda: The PS knows better why he did it. But I think that for a
while the PS had developed a dislike for me and the senior accountant under me.
He had cause his transfer, and ensured that someone he liked in the ministry of
health, Mr. Mugumya was given accelerated promotion, and who was eventually
posted to replace me even before I returned from sick leave.
Admin: Why did you refuse to handover and instead went
As you can see the PS secured
someone he wanted to replace me and got him posted even before I completed my
sick leave. Secondly, he got me transferred during that leave. Thirdly
according to my letter of transfer by the Accountant General, I was given up
August 31, 2012 as the date for handover. But all these maneuvers came in
between when I was on leave, and you can see the PS’s letter to the IGP,
Auditor General, Accountant General, and IGG were all about the same time in
July before I could complete my sick leave.
Admin: Will you testify before PAC?
Kazinda: I am not interested because as you can see the PS wants to
kill evidence and that is why he is claiming Kazinda stole all the vital
documents yet in his letter to the IGP he says he had put a second padlock on
my office door. Also, as you can see from his testimony before PAC the PS does
not gave all the information, and I don’t want to go there and give some of the
information that may exonerate him. The mistrust is no mutual between him and
Great answers
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