Saturday, December 22, 2012

Chinese defiler in Uganda denied bail

Chinese defiler denied bail
Yang Zheng could face a death sentence.
The Chinese national recently accused and charged with aggravated defilement and human trafficking has been denied bail by the high court in Kampala.

High court judge Jane Kiggundu refrained from granting Yang Zheng Jun bail on grounds that he may interfere with witnesses in the investigation of the case.

She said the Asian man’s case is capital and attracts a death sentence.

The judge also ignored the accused lawyer’s submission that Zheng was in bad health in Luzira prison and cannot remain there.

She said there was no letter of record of illness whatsoever that would prove that Zheng is in a bad health condition and that it might be a consequence of change of environment.

Furthermore, court ruled that it is not true that Zheng has delayed on remand as his lawyer stated. He has been confined for less than a month now.

The judge also ruled that the three sureties presented for the bail application were unsubstantial since they have no close relation with the applicant and so it is no guarantee that they will ensure he appears in court next time.

Zheng’s suspected accomplice Faith Orlando, who also faces charges of human trafficking, is on remand in Luzira prison.

She is accused of being behind the victims’ travels from Lira and Gulu districts to Kampala.

The Chinese man was arrested late November after an alert from a victim he allegedly defiled at Lungujja-Kitunzi, Rubaga division in Kampala.

Zheng is said to have defiled eight girls, two of whom tested HIV-positive. But results of his sero-status turned out negative.

The tests were carried out at Mulago Hospital in Kampala on orders of Police.

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