Saturday, December 15, 2012

Eugene Denies Fathering Bad Black's Daughter

Last Week, Bad Black revealed the true identity of her baby's father who happened to be a Uganda Cranes striker Eugene Sepuya. When the news of fathering Bad Black's daughter, Davinah got to Eugene, he followed it with this post on his wall:
"Nziggyaako ebizibu byo. Ebyange n'ebitali byange mbyawula. Sisobola kugwa mw'ekyo kidiba........ heheheeheh," translated as: Count me out of your problems, I can tell what belongs to me and what doesn't, I can't swim in that pool...hehehehe"
if you need Charity fund rising just ask..................."
This is what made Pastor Good Black cum artiste go Amok and retaliated with the following post:
"Haaa haaaa Sepuya Davina's Dad, U're so hopeless. Sebo I have problems to manage not like you who depends on white........Me and you who needs charity! I respect you dad Davina only because u're the father to ma child.
I'm not stupid Eugene. Tell my rival the truth and stop pretending. I'm ready for DNA hahahaha"
Bad Black concluded that in her life she has never asked for charity. Bad Black was released on bail to go for an operation for her breasts in Dubai but before the operation, she has first embarked on her music career and also telling off the baby father who is not about to take responsibility for a pregnancy from a former prostitute.
One Spencer told Black that: Insulting Eugene isn't gonna change anything and now that you are saved, may be you need to go slow with the insults, you can take care of the baby by yourself.
Bad Black replied that Its true but the baby needs the love from both parents.

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