Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Hoima Catholic Diocese Bishop Deogratias Muganwa Byabazaire Dead

Hoima Catholic diocese Bishop Deogratias Muganwa Byabazaire is dead.
The 72 year old bishop who has been suffering from hydrocephalus (cerebrospinal fluid in the cavities of the brain), a stroke and diabetes for the last six years died on Saturday morning at Nsambya Hospital in Kampala.
Bishop Deogratias Byabazaire Dead
Bishop Deogratias Byabazaire Dead
The bishop had just returned from India where he has been receiving treatment .Doctors at the Hospital in New Delhi had discharged to recover from home.
In 2009, Former pope Benedict appointed Lambert Bainomugisha from Mbarara diocese to replace the sick Bishop.
Byabazaire has been bishop for 25 years. He is the brother to the first deputy prime minister and Minister of Public Service Henry Muganwa Kajura.
A requiem mass will held in Kampala before his body is transferred to Hoima for burial.

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