Thursday, August 24, 2023

"Among Ugandans, My Daughter Possesses the Finest Skin," Claims Frank Gashumba

Frank Gashumba, a prominent media critic, firmly holds the belief that his daughter Sheila possesses the most exceptional skin in Uganda. According to Frank, Sheila's physique is genuinely captivating, showcasing a naturally exquisite brown complexion that has prompted comparisons to individuals of Spanish heritage. Nonetheless, as a father, he expresses his curiosity regarding why Sheila persists in using makeup despite her inherent beauty. In a local radio interview, Frank Gashumba candidly shared, "My daughter Sheilah C Gashumba has the best skin. I don't understand why she has such a fondness for makeup when she already possesses a complexion akin to that of Spanish individuals." Moreover, Frank Gashumba offers the perspective that the widespread popularity of makeup might signify a cultural shift among young people, particularly among females.

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